Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A New Year and a new blog

A New Year and a new blog. This one is an online gallery of my work including what's new and what's on sale. The Watercolour and Drawing Tabs are still "under construction", expect more complete selections soon.

A closer look at works, with more details on the subject, size and with prices.

Here is the newest painting as seen in the PSWhimsy - Behind the Brush Blog:


  • 13.5" X 19.5" watercolour painted largely with just 3 colours (aureolin, alizarin crimson and pthalo blue)
  • white matt, black wood frame (18" X 24", 1" width)
  • $400.00 framed 

This painting was inspired by a picture, taken by friends, of a masked and costumed participant of Carnival in Venice, Italy. Beautiful and elaborate costumes and masks are worn at this annual festival that ends on Ash Wednesday with the beginning of Lent.

Masks have interested me for some time, I have seen many beautiful ones in Venice and Verona in Italy, so I will be painting more in the future.

I thought I'd share a few pictures of a decorative mask and glimpses of masks worn by friends at a recent event.

....and here's one I wore, that left temporary blue patches on my face, to general amusement. Here it is pictured on a wooden giraffe. A lesson to me not to buy a mask at a dollar store.

Thanks for visiting this first instalment of GillinOlsonArt ............


  1. Oh yes, precious paintings, I love them.

  2. Very exciting start to the New Year! Well done. I'm really looking forward to seeing your work showcased here. Inspiring!

  3. Happy New Year. I love the painting and I also love masks. Those are great.

  4. I will certainly be following here.

  5. You are so talented. I just love seeing your work. This painting looks amazing.

  6. Your painting is amazing, good luck with the new venture.


    When the tempest falls
    Seeds of tears wet the ground
    Carrying in their wombs
    The fruit of a new life:

    Happiness will win the sadness
    And overcome the rage.
    Passion will conquest the madness,
    Exceeding hearts with hope.

    ...And the tempest falls again,
    Carrying in its womb
    The embrio of a new war:

    A fruit of a new sin,
    Disagreement of a new age...

    (*By: Agamenon Troyan)
    This is a translated excerpt of my poem & short tales book (O Anjo e a
    Tempestade) aka (The Angel and the Storm)

  8. Happy New Year Gillian! Best of luck on your new blog. There is a wonderful quality to your painting . . . a bit mysterious (that Venetian air). I love the painting of the villages too. The hike would be a challenge for me these days and how sad about the mudslides.
